Well after a month home, and a multitude of injuries - well actually my body is just seizing up or falling apart in this cold, I can barely touch in my poses let alone bind. Practice has been hard, compounded by the absence of my teacher, who now thankfully is back on these chilly shores. I put my back out in Garba Pindasana due to being cold to begin with (need more than a couple of heaters in the room on the coldest day in April in a trillion years) and then spraying cold water on my limbs. Errrgh!! Well off to the osteopath tonight who will have his work cut out - back, foot, ankle, knee, hand - other than that I'm dandy! Also coupled with my over zealous desire to eat everything within sight, people are even gifting me food - had a Barney Banana today - back by popular demand (yes I was part of that petition).
Nevertheless being home has been hard - I truly miss India - even the bad things - and for me there ain't that many of them anyway. But I miss the warmth, both the temperature and that of the people. I miss their tenacity, ingenuity, love of life, spirituality, overall beauty, I miss the children, particularly those at Bapuji in Mysore, I miss the carefree nature of my days, the food, the colors, smells and sights. I just miss it all. If my life was not here I would be there. But my life here make me appreciate India more - so each and every trip provides me with wonder and admiration. I'm counting the days til the next, am waiting for a friend to get married, or to win the lottery - whichever comes first. In the mean time I must stop eating, get back to physical capacity, and keep practicing - for to touch is to bind - and I want my binds back!