This morning concluded 6 wonderful days of practice under the guidance of Sharath. I again am so inspired and touched by the practice and continually feel humbled and blessed to be able to practice with Sharath, even though it was only a week. The energy of the whole room has been sensational, and this morning, the last practice was unbelievable. I had a great practice, I felt the strongest I have felt since having my knee op, and in my comeback to full practice. It was hard as always but I felt a lightness and ease again, and felt so focused - I loved it.
After a relatively big night out (in yoga terms) last night, I thought I would drag my ass through practice. Deb, Jenn and I went out for Mexican - ended up being a bit of a margarita crawl, particularly for Jenn. Deb and I had a few, but she had to teach, and I practice so we showed some restraint - something I often lack. It has been a big week, and I was amazed how tired I have felt all week, and have had many naps after practice and in the afternoons. Sleep has not been hard, despite the noise of the Cross.
Conference the other night at the new shala was fantastic. Sharath talked about asana, about bandhas, dristhi and breath. He was as always very enlightening and I always learn a lot. I really felt so blessed then and today to have him, the ashtanga practice, and the whole ashtanga community in my life. He is also such a funny guy. He told a story about doing a demo in NYC and a guy came to pick him up and he was drinking coffee and listening to Bollywood music - made me laugh - I could just picture our guru listening to some of the tunes I know! And today in practice he - as usual he was telling people to slow down - and he said - "why you hurry - are you hungry?" Of course everyone laughed!
Today after practice there was a breakfast outside in front of the yachts and water on the terrace - it was great having coconut juice - just like Mysore, chai, muffins and a bit of a chat though I really didn't know anyone. I went to say goodbye and have a photo as well, and he asked me how my knee was and how it felt through practice. I am always amazed how he remembers things when he has sooooooooo many students - he is a sensation - a true guru, an inspiration.
And just as I was leaving, a guy showed up with some take away coffees from the cafe in the park, one was for Sharath. Sharath thanked him, asked for some sugar, and a girl made a comment about coffee - and Sharath again - he cracks me up - said "No coffee - no prana!" Love it - love him!!
Always bad pictures - post practice - bad hair, no "eyes" - what's a girl to do!